Gingivitis destroys teeth and digestive system

Gingivitis destroys teeth and digestive system

Is gingivitis and mouth disease is an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth, known as gum disease, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth is the destruction of bone and ligaments that surround and support the teeth, are the main reasons for tooth loss after puberty, and many people suffer from the disease.

What cause gingivitis? 

As a result of the presence of gingivitis is plaque, which is made up of bacteria and other microorganisms, those objects by secretion of toxins is destroying this link a little by little and, as a result, infected gums inflammation and recede from teeth, consisting Jiba that stores more plaque, and with time can poison to destroy the gums and the outer layer of the tooth root down to the bone,

There are hormonal reasons, pregnancy, puberty, or monthly sessions, or menopause or the contraceptive pill, or taking antihistamines that reduce saliva levels and disrupt the ecosystem of bacteria inside the mouth, or drugs for cancer, or diabetes, because their ability to fight bacteria mouth be few.

What degree of gingivitis? 

Based on the reaction of immune resistance and prevention, comes as a result of irregular use of toothbrush and flossing, and go to the dentist to clean plaque and Tartar to reduce as much as possible the accumulation of bacteria.

What is the difference between gum infections and diseases? 

Gum infections start after 20-10 days of not brushing teeth, which makes gum redder and more prone to bleeding when tfrishaha or even when touched, either in periodontal disease, gum that has infected notes away from a dental pockets or voids between the gums and teeth, causing a kaafir who is long.

What are the symptoms of gingivitis? 

The initial stages of gingivitis in which a person may not feel any symptoms and are in, swelling, redness, pain, foul smell the same, but the symptoms are in advanced stages of the gums bleed when touched, and the same foul mouth, abscess between the gums and teeth, so they arent.

Does inflammation cause dental turnover? 

The inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth leads to loss of protective cover of the roots leading to pain in the teeth when eating food or drinks hot or cold it becomes sensitive.

Are there types of gum infection? 

Yes, including: inflammation of the tissue surrounding the tooth, a disease appears in adolescence and affects the first molar and incisor, and inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth sharp and deadly a disease transmitted through bacterial infection that affects the gums.

How can I prevent gum disease? 

Interest in oral and dental health, regular examination when the doctor, brushing regularly and properly and accurately clean teeth with a soft brush, the brush must be kept at a 45 degree angle through which the person begins to clean the external surfaces of the front teeth brushing back and forth display half age, after the front surfaces are washed back teeth on the edge of the gums, and the inner surfaces of the back teeth are cleaned through the work of short transactions and oblique, and internal surfaces are vertical and functioning slashes from top to Down, and flossing for cleaning between the teeth.

What are the treatment options? 

The dentist to treat gingivitis, plaque and Tartar build-up removal using special medical devices, and the benefit of treatment that inhibits disease progression, or curettage lime and root surfaces as they settled mainly in the treatment of inflammation, curettage of calcified deposits are removed the lime from the roots of the teeth, either in the settlement, the doctor creates a root surface smoothing and make it smooth, but if severe infections and deep pockets, in this case the doctor cleaned and cannot remove the accumulation of plaque, the gum surgery.