treatment for gingivitis

Treatment for gingivitis gum treatment anti-gingivitis aims to stimulate and facilitate the re-adhesion (adhesion of new) fabric gums healthy on the surfaces of teeth in a healthy manner, easing bulges and reducing the depth of the pockets, and thus treat the gums and reduce the risk of inflammation of the gums, or curb and stop the worsening inflammation of the gums quo.

The different treatment alternatives for gingivitis depending on the stage reached by the disease, as to how the patient's body's response to previous treatments for inflammation of the gums, in addition to the general health status of the patient. The possibilities range cure for gingivitis between treatments that do not require surgical procedures designed to control the amount of germs and reduce them, and between treatments require surgical procedures aimed at restoring the supporting layer to age.

Possible cure for gingivitis full of infections, in almost all cases, and by monitoring and addressing layer of germs that accumulate on the teeth. Proper treatment for germ layer includes cleaning the vocational specialist, twice each year, in addition to the use of Nasah Sunni and careful cleaning teeth by brush on a daily basis.

Prevention of gingivitis
Clean the teeth by a brush layer prevents the accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the teeth, while using Nasah helps to get rid of Sunni leftovers and Jeraaitham and removed from spaces between the teeth and under the gum line. According to the directives of the Organization of American dentists, can mouthwash products antibacterial that helps to reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth, which in turn lead to the emergence of a layer of bacteria and inflammation of the gums.

In addition, it may be changing daily habits and health beneficial in reducing the risk of inflammation of the gums, or the degree of severity and gravity. Among these habits:

- Stop smoking.

- Not to be subjected to psychological pressure.

- Maintain a balanced diet.

- Refrain from tensile strongly on the teeth.

According to the data, the American Academy of Dental periodontal (Periodontology) that 30% of people who maintain oral hygiene, and who maintain a healthy lifestyle, are at a high degree, to gum infections to genetic reasons.

People who have been exposed to disease, inflammation of the gums for genetic reasons, are more susceptible than others, six times, the injury inflammation of the gums. If one member of the family has suffered, or is suffering, from gum disease, it is likely to catch other members of the family.

Treatment for Gingivitis

And if someone has potential natural disease, gum disease, it is likely that advises him physician to conduct dental examinations pace higher than normal, at frequent intervals, and carry out cleaning professional Dental when a specialist in frequent intervals and undergo treatments necessary to keep the disease under follow-up and monitoring Permanent.